
5 Ways to Start Your Art Collection in 2024

  • Posted by: Rupashree Ravi

The art world is a vast place to explore, particularly when it comes to finding a unique style. Figuring out what art to hang on your walls can be daunting, especially if you’re determined to avoid something mass-produced. I always suggest people do as much research as possible before making their first acquisition. 
The key is to take your time and see as much as you can by constantly visiting art festivals and exhibitions. At some stage, you are bound to find something that speaks to you.


1. Start with prints:
Prints are a great way to venture out as a new art collector. A general guide when buying a print is to either purchase – a high edition print, which will have a lower price point by very well-known artists, or a low edition print, that is cheaper by emerging artists. 
2. Go Online:
Online galleries allow you to easily compare artists, styles and prices. It’s often less daunting than asking for more information at a gallery or during an exhibition. The internet has made buying art more transparent and accessible, especially for new collectors.
3. Buy smaller and realistic pieces:
It is worth noting that investing in smaller pieces can be the best way to get the essence of a mid-career artist but at a less intimidating price. You can still add stunning original paintings to your art collection if you are willing to explore emerging and slightly less-known artists.
4. Explore local artists:
Buying art that reflects the local culture and heritage of the region can be quite rewarding. 'Buy fresh, buy local' has never been truer for burgeoning homegrown talents taking over the UAE's bustling art scene. 
5. Consider your interior décor:
Artworks are an extraordinary way to add a touch of personality to your home, but it’s important to consider whether the new piece works well with your existing décor. Buying an oil painting of a calm landscape may work well for traditional homes, but the same painting may not fit in a minimalist living room. You never know, you might think you’re a Monet lover at heart, but end up purchasing a Warhol inspired artwork!

Feature Image: Natalia Schaefer