
Meet the Artists of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2023: Ishtar Fine Art

  • Posted by: Rupashree Ravi

The exquisite sculptural art crafted by a collective of artists from Ishtar Fine Art mesmerised esteemed attendees at the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2023. What began as a hobby for these exceptionally talented individuals transformed into a dedicated academic pursuit, as they poured their passion and creativity into carving intricately painted sculptures. With humble materials such as metal, wood, and stone, these artists unite to transcend cultural and national boundaries, weaving together a profound narrative. Their primary objective is to pay homage to creative talent and offer viewers the opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty of their work.

To delve deeper into their inspiring journey, we invite you to watch the full interview. Explore the stories that have shaped their artistic endeavors, discover the motivations behind their creations, and witness the remarkable transformation that occurs when passion meets craftsmanship.